TTS-Solutions learning content is now available to Grade 9 learners whenever they need it, and wherever they need it. Access our digital learning content on a desktop or laptop at home, via the EGD Learning Portal. Then continue where you left off on your phone or tablet. Best of all, you can even download the content on your mobile device for offline access when you are not connected! We cater for both iOS and Android devices.
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- Mobile App for Multiple Devices
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Module 1: Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design
Lesson 1.1 Introduction to Engineering Graphics and Design
Module 2: General Drawing Principles Relevant to All Types of Drawing
Lesson 2.1 Drawing Instruments
Lesson 2.2 Line Types and Application
Lesson 2.3 Printing (Writing) and Dimensioning
Module 3: Setting Up a Drawing Sheet
Lesson 3.1 A4 and A3 Sized Drawing Sheets
Module 4: Geometrical Construction
Section 4.1: Lines
Lesson 4.1: Bisecting Lines
Lesson 4.2: Bisecting Angles
Lesson 4.3: Perpendicular Lines
Lesson 4.4: Perpendicular Lines from a Point on a Line
Lesson 4.5: Perpendicular Lines from a Point Outside a Line
Lesson 4.6: Dividing Lines
Section 4.2: Circles
Lesson 4.7: Parts of a Circle
Lesson 4.8: Circle Division
Lesson 4.9: Fillets
Section 4.3 Regular Polygons
Lesson 4.10 Triangles (Three Sides)
Lesson 4.11 Squares (Four Sides)
Lesson 4.12 Pentagons (Five Sides)
Lesson 4.13 Hexagons (Six Sides)
Module 5 Orthographic Projection
Lesson 5.1 Introduction to Orthographic Projection
Lesson 5.2 Planning the Drawing Layout
Lesson 5.3 Casting
Module 6: Isometric Drawing
Lesson 6.1 Introduction To Isometric Drawing
Lesson 6.2 Rectangular Box
Lesson 6.3 Rectangle with Cut-Outs
Lesson 6.4 Round Bar Segment (Circle?)
Module 7: Solid Geometry
Lesson 7.1 Introduction to Solid Geometry
Module 8: Civil Drawing
Lesson 8.1 Introduction to Civil Drawing
Module 9: One Point Perspective
Lesson 9.1 Introduction to Perspective Drawing
Lesson 9.2 One-Point Perspective